My Story
Today I’m so thankful to be in a place where I love myself, I love how I’m spending my time and I’m in a better place with my relationship with my "inner critic", because at one point in my life I felt like I had completely lost myself. A few years ago my boys were just babies. I had a successful career that I was good at, yet I didn't feel like I was in the right place. I was constantly in turmoil & self-doubt because the inner voice & critic inside my head was just too loud. Through coaching and my own transformational journey, my life is different now. I understand my body better, I'm kinder to myself, I’m spending more time with my kids and being the kind of parent I want to be, I’ve learned to quiet the "inner critic" and use her powers for good and most importantly I found coaching. It's a role I’m so passionate about and grateful to have. I get to help moms (and dads and humans) re-discover themselves and really build the life they truly want.
In the corporate world I led teams, coached team-members, mentored colleagues, solved problems, understood what was truly needed by the business and individuals, while setting a path for achieving it. Working in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry I learned to listen deeply to our patients, to understand their perspective and their journey so we could better help them navigate toward better health. And my own personal journey has taught me so much and given me so much joy. Here are just a few of my aha's I've learned along the way.
Putting me first allows me to take better care of those I love
It's the smallest changes that make the most impact
I have the “answers” within myself when I slow down, listen and most importantly trust myself
I can’t get what I want if I never ask for it
Change takes courage and you don’t have to do it alone
Change can be hard without the right system, support and accountability. I would love to be able to share what I've learned and support & guide you in your journey. Your health and life goals are Within Reach, you just need to take that first step.

Ready to get started? Schedule a Discovery call today.